
SEO Class 5 – How to Make a Correct Website Structure

SEO Class 5 – How to Make a Correct Website Structure
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For the promotion of a website, its structure is of vital importance. Due to the proper structure of a website, your website will be search engine friendly, so in today’s class, we will explain the website structure.

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Make a Correct Website Structure

Given below top 10 tips with the help of which you can improve your website structure;

  1. HTML coding of a website should be correct i.e HTML tags should be defined properly. For example, if tags are not closed properly or their order is not correct then in this case, HTML will work but this thing will confuse the search engine. So it is better to validate your website with w3 validate. This validates will tell you where you have not used tag properly or where you have used invalid HTML.
  2. Try to use a theme with font color black and background white for better visibility.
  3. For the tag of images, the alt attribute is a must. Set some keywords as an attribute so that your website will appear in the images search section of Google.
  4. Use the heading in your post of sizes h1 to h6.
  5. Font size should be readable easily by the visitors neither it should be small nor large.
  6. All the internal and external links should be working and should look prominent from the other text.
  7. The website design should be simple. Don’t use multiple colors as it can blur the eyes of readers.
  8. Use well less scrolling on your web page.
  9. Don’t use flash on your site, rather than use simple images.
  10. The size of the webpage should not be huge. 32KB page is well and will open in 3 to 4 seconds.
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